Delicious and refreshing blend of fruits and coconut, naturally sweetened and perfect for any occasion!
Lou’s Tip: Blended foods are easier on the system to assimilate and absorb into the body. This type of smoothie is incredible for getting all of the essential fatty acids, amino acids and glucose the body needs. This smoothie will assist in building lean muscle and regenerates the organs, as well as providing the fuel the body needs to sustain high energy.
- 1/2-1 Cup Almond Coconut Yogurt (or your preferred nut yogurt)
- 1 Banana
- Handful Strawberries or berries of your choice
- 1-2 Young Coconuts (Save the water on the side and add while blending)
- 2 Heaping TBS. Liyf Essentials
Blend ingredients in a blender until smooth.
Recipe by Lou Corona
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